Sunday, May 23, 2010

Riley's 2nd Birthday

Me and daddy in my little pool that I got for my birthday!!

Note the scissors from the puppy kit...I love the scissors for some reason.

How does this work? Future engineer?

The scissors again

Sit and Spin. Sometimes I just sit on the floor and spin...without my sit and spin!

Table and Chairs! I got lots of other really nice gifts from family and friends!
My birthday party at school. I got a Mickey Mouse cake with a banner flying behind an airplane that said Happy Birthday Riley. THey are actually cupcakes and they were really good! We had happy meals from McDonalds for a lunch treat in my class. It was fun!

My friends and I eating our happy meals!

Me and my happy meal. After my happy meal, I went down for my nap and woke up with a fever and had to be sent home early from school. I went to the doctor and had a double ear infection...oh no! So more antibiotics and motrin. This was a bad one. My fever went up to 104.5 and then daddy got in a cool tub with me and brought it down.

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