Sunday, July 25, 2010

California July 2010

We decided to take a long weekend trip to Anaheim and Hollywood California. We stayed at a very nice suite hotel and had some very HOT HOT weather to contend with. Grandma Mavis came along with us to experience Disney with the boys for the first time!

Riley seemed to enjoy meeting the Disney characters the most. The rides were a little overwhelming, like he didn't know what to concentrate on first, but he went on them and said they were fun when he was done.

Boede went along for many of the rides including Its a Small World and StoryBook Land.

After 2 days at Disney and squeezing in a quick trip to Huntington Beach, we headed up to Hollywood Blvd. What we found was not at all what we expected, but we can now check it of our list and don't need to go back.

Overall, the trip was very enjoyable. Both boys were very good and in the end very tired. We learned a lot about where to stay, what to do, and the time of year to go to Disney if you have a choice. Glad we went while they were so young so we could learn for the NEXT time we go!

Pictures of Boede

Boede today 07/25/2010 RESTING!

Boede with puppy on his head after his bath! 06/07/10

Boede 06/06/10

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Boede's 2 month appointment

Boede had his 2 month appointment on Monday June 21st. He weighed 12 pounds 8 ounces!! He was only 23 inches long and his head is in the 90th percentile. He got his vaccinations: 3 shots and one drinkable liquid. He was not too happy after that. He ran a slight fever but was fine by the next day! He's a chunky monkey!

Now he gets to go on his first airplane ride tomorrow! Should be interesting. We have a lot to get together and I will post more pictures once we are in Minnesota!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Boede at 6 Weels

Riley Sliding Into the Pool at almost 25 months!

After about 4 days (4 hours) of working with Riley in the pool, he is willing to go under the water! We are very proud of him!

Boede At 6 Weeks!!!

Update on the Kids!

Boede had his 1 month appointment on May 25th. He was 10 pounds 2 ounces already, but wasn't much longer than he was when he was born! I think that the cone head was just going away myself!!

Riley also had his 2 year appointment on the same day! He was 29 lbs and 35 inches long. He still has a REALLY big head! A few days after his appointment, he had to have tubes put in his ears again and his adenoids out. He went back for the surgery like a brave big boy and did just great. He slept off the anesthesia and woke up HUNGRY! He ate all kinds of food and then went about his way like nothing happened! What a big boy!

Boede spent his first night in his crib last night. He slept pretty well in there...Mommy didn't sleep so well, worried about Boede. Tonight should be better! I know I can hear him over the monitor.

Riley went under water today for the first time and liked it! He jumps in from the side of the pool and daddy catches him, but lets him go under the water.

Tomorrow is Riley's first day in the 2 year old class room as a CUB! Since daddy is teaching summer school, Riley is going to go to school and mommy will stay home and work and take care of Boede.

Boede is getting stronger every day. He holds his head up a bit when on his stomach. He, unlike Riley, doesn't like to be swaddled tightly and doesn't really care if he is swinging or not! He eats anywhere from 5- 8 ounces at a time and sleeps up to 7 hours at a time.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Boede on May 1st about 2 weeks old
Grandma Mavis and Boede!


Boede today! 4 weeks old and awake! He stays awake for about 2 hours at a time, 2 times a day. Other than that, he is just up to eat and then goes back to bed.

Proud big brother


Riley jumping in pool and update!

Riley Jumping in the pool!

We had one day here where it was 95! It has been an unusually cool spring here! Today it was only 67! Riley and daddy went swimming while Mommy and Boede watched. Mommy can't wait until she can go it the pool with the boys. Riley is signed up for swimming lessons starting on June 7th for 2 weeks! He already seems to like the water better than last year.

Riley and Boede both have doctor appointments on Tuesday. Riley for his 2 years and Boede for his 1 month appointment. Both boys are adapting well. Riley is a very good big brother, just has to be reminded to be gentle and use nice hands. He doesn't know how hard he is smacking his brother!

Riley is talking and using more words every day. He knows his whole alphabet and knows most of his numbers now too! He likes to do the hokie pokie and to run run run.

Boede is eating well and getting more chubby! Today at 4 he ate 5 ounces and was still acting hungry, so I made 2 more and he downed those too! It is now 837 and he is still sleeping. Hopefully in the next few weeks, we can have him eating like that right before bed and sleeping for 6 hours...AWWW heaven. There are times tho that he seems to be gulpling sputtering and choking on his meal...we don't remember this with Riley and wonder if he needs a slower nipple. I am going to try to find him some tomorrow. He is such a good baby. Such a different experience than the first one!

Riley's 2nd Birthday

Me and daddy in my little pool that I got for my birthday!!

Note the scissors from the puppy kit...I love the scissors for some reason.

How does this work? Future engineer?

The scissors again

Sit and Spin. Sometimes I just sit on the floor and spin...without my sit and spin!

Table and Chairs! I got lots of other really nice gifts from family and friends!
My birthday party at school. I got a Mickey Mouse cake with a banner flying behind an airplane that said Happy Birthday Riley. THey are actually cupcakes and they were really good! We had happy meals from McDonalds for a lunch treat in my class. It was fun!

My friends and I eating our happy meals!

Me and my happy meal. After my happy meal, I went down for my nap and woke up with a fever and had to be sent home early from school. I went to the doctor and had a double ear infection...oh no! So more antibiotics and motrin. This was a bad one. My fever went up to 104.5 and then daddy got in a cool tub with me and brought it down.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Riley waiting for Baby Boede

Riley "patiently" waiting to meet his little brother!!
Riley reading books with Mommy at the hospital

Playing with daddy and blocks waiting for my baby brother to arrive

Trying out baby Boede's car seat. I am the Big Bro!

I think he is too big or the seat is too small! He couldn't wait to get in there and try it out though.
Riley is 23.5 months now and can identify all of his letters A-Z on flash cards. We will try to video at least part of this and put it on the blog. It is pretty cute.
We are very proud of him!!

Boede Paul

Daddy and Boede!

Boede Paul Halvorson born on April 25th, 2010 at 4:47 PM. He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. Mommy and baby are well, no problems with labor or delivery. Baby Boede has different blood type than Mommy, so we had to be sure that he didn't turn yellow (jaundice).
Riley is adapting very well to having a new brother. He struggles to be gentle because he doesn't understand that Boede can't move away from him. He likes to give Boede kisses and runs and grabs his baby and feeds him when we are feeding Boede.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Couple Pictures of RILEY at 31 weeks


My Little Brother!!!

This is my baby brother Boede. He was a little shy for the camera, so I will have to show him how to SMILE!! Starting at the bottom, that is Boede's FOOT by his head! Then going up, some shots of his face. The cord is around Boede's neck right now, but it is pretty loose and he has his arm going through the cord too. Mommy is going to ask the doctor what she should do at her appointment on Thursday. We weren't able to get many pictures of Boede's chin and cheeks because of the cord. She said that 50% of babies have the cord like this, so hopefully it is nothing to worry about! Mommy is trying to just make sure that she feels Boede moving a lot.
Will post some more picutres later. Need to go see Grandma now!