Friday, May 30, 2008


Yesterday, I had my 1st outing to Shepherd Eye Center, Green Valley! Everyone was so nice and thought I was pretty cute.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The dogs

Our dogs are doing so well with the new addition to the family. They sniff at Riley and then back away. When he is crying, they all look worried (when they are awake). They still want their walks and are getting them for the most part. Overall, we are happy with how they have adapted!


I'm almost 2 weeks old!

My 1st trip to the Strip and the Bellagio

On May 26th (13 days old), Riley, Grandma Marilyn, Chris and Jill went to the strip to get out of the house! Riley was as good as to be expected for a 13 day old! We did manage to even eat out!
On the way home, he was not too happy, but we made it!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Doctor Visit

I had my 1st doctor appointment yesterday!

I weighed 9 lbs 13 oz and was 21 inches long! I am growing already! 6 ounces in 9 days.

It was only my second ride in the car, but I like car rides. I just fall asleep!

Monday, May 19, 2008


I'm awake and in my crib that I got from Christina and Steve Kennelley! It works just GREAT! Look, you can see the back of my head in the mirror! Of course, I have a puppy on my shirt!

Sitting up!

I was trying to have some awake time in my chair, but I fell asleep trying so hard!

On the way home!

I'm all packed up in my carseat that I got from Dr. Taylor and Amy! Thank you! It works just great and is so snuggly~

Grandma and Grandpa White

My 1st picture with the White Grandparents!

Riley Resting

Here I am resting before I came home. Look at my smirk, I'm so happy!

More pictures!

Here are some more pictures!
Here we are in the waiting room before being induced! We were pretty excited!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Riley Connor Halvorson is Here!

Riley arrived on May 13th at 8:10 PM. He weighed in at 9 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He has black hair and is chunky! He is a very good baby.

He almost had to come out via c-section, because everytime I would have a contraction, Riley's heart rate would drop. But our doctor came and checked us out and decided to give it a try the natural way. It worked! I only had to push for about 30 minutes and Riley was here!

We came home on Wednesday night at about 11 PM. First night was a little tough for all, but last night was better! Since he is so big, we need to supplement with formula. Once we started doing that, he sleeps better!

Here are some pictures of his birthday

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Still No Baby!


It is May 10th, 2008, 2 days past due date, and no baby yet! My doctor did an exam on Thursday (due date) and determined that we could induce the baby next week. I am currently scheduled for Monday at 8 PM to have things get started if they have not already started by then. I am pretty excited to have a "light" at the end of the tunnel, especially since temperatures down here are creeping upwards of 95. That makes all the blood vessels dilate and things SWELL! Especially ankles and hands!

So, we will keep you all updated!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Jill at 39 weeks and 4 days!

Here I am with 3 days until due date. I think that I have had enough! I am ready! Everyday I wonder, is today the day? Still working and still feeling great.